Volunteer Here

Apply to join the UMass Makerspace student staff team!

This is a fast-paced part-time (10-20 hours a week) on-campus job for students. This job involves a little bit of everything, and a lot of: learning new technical skills, practicing leadership and mentoring others. The schedule is flexible.

General qualities that make for a good fit:

  • A strong interest in learning new things, especially technical things, self-motivated and works well on open-ended challenges
  • Interest in gaining experience leading and mentoring others, and helping build up and support the maker culture on campus

We are looking for generalists and fast learners. In addition, we are especially looking to find individuals with very strong talents in any of the following:

  • Videography (filming and editing)
  • Woodworking, metalworking, machining
  • Electronics, circuits, embedded systems
  • Diagnosing/debugging, hacking, and repair

This is a rolling application process. The exact skill sets we are looking for depend on the makeup of the current team.

To apply:

Send a resume, cover letter, and any supplementary materials to Shira Epstein, Director of Campus Makerspaces [email protected] with subject line “Makerspace Job Application”

Make sure to emphasize any hands-on and/or self-directed projects (in any domain–for example, plumbing, programming, screen printing, photography, 3d printing, concrete casting, farming…if you are passionate about it, highlight it!)